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Community Links​

Building a community

Our members main concerns, like many communities, focus on safety (both homes and roads), and the environment we live in. 


This page aims to help you resolve your problems quickly and easily by linking you to the right people to report your problems to and hopefully get them resolved.


We also aim to update you on the latest issues affecting Offington Park and give you news on our current improvements or campaigns.


It's important to keep in touch with what's happening around us - so we'll link you into other local news that you may find helpful, such as the Worthing Local Plan.


Quick Links to find out what's happening in Worthing

Quick Links to find out how to protect your yourself from scams or how to report them

The little book of BIG scams - advice to keep you safe

Quick Links to resolving problems

Supporting you


Quick Links to organisations for when you need help

Worthing Counselling Centre


Based at Offington Park Methodist Church

If you are unlucky enough to be the victim of fraud, please report your experiences to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or follow online advice at:

Phishing and scams - covering HMRC and other Government Departments:

Gov.Uk/Dealing with HMRC


Report suspicious emails from HMRC

Grove Lodge roundabout


Highways England [HE] has government funding to resolve congestion along the A27. ‘Hot spots’ have been identified at Chichester, Arundel, Worthing/Lancing and Polegate.

HE commissioned Parsons Brinckerhoff [PB] to undertake feasibility studies to identify ‘value-for-money’ solutions to the problem. 

As part of this process, HE and PB have jointly held A27 Stakeholder [A27SH] meetings. At the last meeting in May 2016, they reiterated that the funding for the Worthing/Lancing section is £50-100 million. This limits their options to provide a solution.


An A27 Working Group [A27WG] has been set up to allow interested parties [businesses, local MPs, councils, political parties, residents’ associations etc] to discuss the issues. The last meeting was on 15 September 2016


The residents’ Associations along the line of the A27 have formed an alliance called the Adur and Worthing Residents’ Alliance [AWRA]. AWRA issued a statement on behalf of residents at the last A27SH meeting. This was based on concerns raised by interested residents at meetings and on social media. A more comprehensive survey of residents’ views was taken in the Offington area, the results were given at the AGM.


If you wish to learn more about the issues and problems, please consult the following:









There's a number of feasibility studies for the A27 by Parsons Brinckerhoff we recommend you use your search engine and type in "Parsons Brinckerhoff A27 feasibility studies"


Quick Links

Road improvements and safety


To improve road safety in Offington Park we have:

  • set up a speed monitoring team to periodically check for speeding motorists

  • improved speed limit signs including adding them to wheelie bins in Offington Avenue

  • Added yellow lines at the eastern end of Offington Avenue

We are now looking to improve parking issues to help safety at the Eastern end of Offington Avenue, at the junction of Gorse Avenue and at the junction of Offington Drive.

Friends of Broadwater and
Worthing Cemetery


The Friends of Broadwater & Worthing Cemetery organisation is dedicated to the revival and preservation of the graves of Broadwater cemetery.


You can find out more about their tours and events on their website.


Helping you to resolve your worries quickly


Whilst the Residents Association is happy to help members with their worries, often the easiest and quickest way to solve your concern is to use an online solution.


Above are some quick links, but here's a quick guide to our favourite self help sites:


Love West Sussex - we love this help tool.  The best way to use it is to download the Love West Sussex App on your smart phone - but you can also report problems online.  So whether it's raised paving slabs, potholes, and tree issues give the app a try. It is so simple!


Sussex Police - there's lots of things you can report quickly and easily such as anti-social driving, abandoned vehicles, lost pets, parking issues and of course report a crime.  There's also sections for advice and support, volunteering and Fraud - how to get help to protect yourself.


Neighbourhood Watch Worthing - if you want to know more about your local area, then you can find out lots of information on this great site.


Adur and Worthing Council Anti-social behaviour and Community Trigger - if you want to know more about what is anti-social behaviour and how to complain about it then this site can help you.



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